During the spring we received a call about a flat roof that was leaking and in desperate need of replacing. The roof sq ft is approximately 40,000 total for the two adjoining roofs. Their current roof was a built up roof system with the gravel. The crew went to the site and began investigating the leaking problems they were having.

What we found was that there were many issues with ponding water on the roof and a major leak on the back end of the building causing damage inside, the parapet walls were also having leaking issues. There were also many HVAC units on the roof and some of them were leaking as well. One step was to stop the leaking with HVAC units and have them repaired or replaced and then to stop the leaks that were occurring else where on the roof. Because it is a big flat roof locating the origin of leaks can sometimes be difficult task, especially if there are numerous areas leaking and with a roof this size.

The process to install the installation and roofing system took about 6-7 days total for both roofs. There was no disruption to the business daily activities and now they can enjoy a new roof and new look without any worries of leaks.