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Super ATV
New Flat Roof Installed
Super ATV Flat Roof Repair with Fleece Back Membrane
Project At A Glance
Job Name: Super Atv
Location: Madison Indiana
Type of Project:
Duro-Last Fleece back PVC membrane
Fully Adhered with CR-20
New Commercial Gutters
Insulation with recover board
Description of Work:This job on Super ATV was a fully adhered, .80 Duro Fleece job. We did a partial tear on this building. We removed the rubber roof and insulation board but left the old built up because it was adhered to the gypsum deck. We used a power broom to remove the loose gravel and dust and then we used a product called board Max to adhere a layer of 1.5" roof insulation to old built up. Then we used CR-20 to adhere a cover board and also to adhere the Duro fleece membrane. Duro Fleece is a PVC Fleece back membrane made by Duro Last
Building Owners Guide to Flat Roofing
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